Document Analysis

Many costly problems and errors which arise at a later time could have been identified and resolved early on given a systematic review of the basic documents required for implementation, such as specifications, designs and plans. Our methodical approach to document analysis makes it possible for us to do exactly that. For one, our approach makes it possible to verifiably assess document quality and provide concrete recommendations for improvement for both structure as well as content. Based on our linguistic review methods and system structure patterns, our experts very often identify problems, inconsistencies and gaps which would not have been identified without an external review. As a result, we spare our clients from some unpleasant surprises.

Our approach

  • We use a methodological approach to document analysis which provides effective results in 3 phases (structural analysis, conceptual analysis and contentual analysis).
  • We show these results using statistical methods, making them easily comparable.
  • We don’t just evaluate documents but also provide concrete recommendations for improvement (down to the sentence level).
  • We make concrete statements, e.g. on the degree of completeness of specifications, and also estimate the effort and cost still required for completion.

Our services

  • Analysis of requirements specifications and other BA specifications
  • Analysis of functional specifications and other RE specifications
  • Analysis of architecture and design specifications
  • Analysis of test manuals and test plans
  • Analysis of project manuals and concrete project plans
  • Analysis of work package descriptions
  • Comparative evaluations of documentation of similar type
  • Estimation of the degree of completeness
  • Estimation of effort and expense required to complete documentation
  • Improvement of readability of documents and specifications

Our training programs for requirements engineers:

Trainings für Usability und User Experience bei Spirit in Projects
Trainings für Usability und User Experience bei Spirit in Projects