Certification Exam Preparation for Business Analysis per PMI-PBA® and IIBA®

Days of training
Price (net)

About the training

This training specifically prepares you for certification as a business analyst according to PMI-PBA® and IIBA®. The content relevant to the exam is conveyed in a targeted manner. A focus is on practicing exam questions and providing information about the exam process.

The training can be booked in combination with the Fundamentals of Business Analysis training, in which the technical basics are taught in detail and in a practice-relevant manner.

Are you looking for more?

Inhouse training

We offer you this course as an inhouse training for your company. Here you can learn more about our service packages. Tell us more about your needs, so that we can tailor an offer that perfectly fits your requirements.

Public trainings in German

We offer this course also on several dates as a webinar and face-to-face training in German. You can find all upcoming dates for our open trainings in German on our Website.

This course includes the following:

Printed Certificate of Participation
Digital and Printed Course Material
Delicious Lunch and Snacks
Hot and Cold Beverages