Installation of a new LED light by the MA 33 on Dorotheergasse

Project management for luminaire replacement project of the city of Vienna (MA 33)

In 2017, municipal department MA 33 of the city of Vienna (Vienna Glows) launched a project to plan for the replacement of the conventional luminaires used on catenary suspensions to […]

Austria Wirtschaftsservice AWS

AWS task tracking tool – QA for requirements specification and tendering support

In 2018/2019, the Austria Wirtschaftsservice (AWS), a federal development and financing bank for the promotion and financing of companies, after drafting a requirements specification for a task tracking tool wanted […]

Success Story: Digitalization of administrative proceedings for the City of Vienna

Vienna provides space – digitalization of administrative proceedings

The municipal department of the city of Vienna, under a project called “Vienna Provides Space” is working to digitalize public areas. The goal of the program, which runs from 2017 […]