Training and Exam Questions to Prepare for the IREB CPRE Exam
Effective immediately, participants in IREB CPRE training will be able to use our web app to prepare for the exam, regardless of whether they’re taking the course publicly or in-house within their own company.
We’ve worked out more than 80 detailed questions for each IREB training course and put them on our web app, making it possible for you to reinforce your individual learning goals or even take a simulated certification exam, including a final evaluation based on the IREB’s own schema.
Our web app is optimized for use with smartphones, tablets and desktop PCs, so you can do things like answer individual questions on your smartphone while you’re riding on the bus or train, then later use your tablet or desktop PC in the comfort of your own home to work on entire chapters or the exam simulation.
We’ve developed our questions in such a way that not only do they reinforce your learning goals, they also provide you with realistic preparation for the types of questions asked on the IREB CPRE exam.
As part of the IREB CPRE training we provide, you’ll receive access to our web app, which can be activated at your convenience within one year, after which you can use it as often as you like for 30 days.
The app saves all results as you take courses and exams, making it easier for you to track the goals you’ve set for yourself.
The web app requires both an Internet connection as well as any popular browser commonly found in smartphones, tablets and desktop PCs.