Nutzen Sie die Chancen von KI - mit der richtigen Qualifikation durch Spirit in Projects

The age of AI: the Future’s in your hands!

The future is right now! Dive into the the world of artificial intelligence (AI) and find out how it’s revolutionizing the IT landscape. In this article we explore how AI […]

Data Journeys - effektive Analysen mit Spirit in Projects

Data Journeys: A Path to Better Digitalization for Companies

In today’s digital age, companies are under increasing pressure to digitalize their processes and data in order to stay competitive and meet customer demands. However, the digitalization process can be […]

Usability Engineering für Requirements Engineers

Usability Engineering – a useful addon for requirements engineers

Requirements analysts will find it worth their while to make a quick detour in the direction of UX/UI, since user interfaces are what essentially determine a solution’s acceptance. No, usability […]